Will Your Business FAIL During The Recession?

Research in 2021 From University of Alabama Professor Dr. Lou Marino revealed Over 18 months 20% of business will fail. For black owned businesses… That number is 80%. This means more devastation to your community. Less Black owned business equals more Black unemployment. This means more desperation/crime and less innovation/political influence.

You can learn how to effortlessly make sure you are in that elite 10% of Black owned businesses that continue to thrive regardless of the political or economic climate. You can unlock your profit potential with this new eBook!

5 Reasons Why Every Successful Entrepreneur & Side Hustler Needs An eBook.

How to write it, sell it, and use it to get more sales in 3 days or less, even if you give it away for free!

You will learn how to....

  • Establish yourself as an authority in your field, so you can build credibility for yourself & your brand which helps your clients see you as a power player compared to your competition.
  • Create passive income, your e-book can generate leads and sales while you sleep. Which means you a now you can invest or use passive income to create the life you dreamed of when you started your journey as an entrepreneur. 
  • Use your E-Book as a marketing tool, so you can increase your overall sales. Which means you can more of your time like you intend when you began working for yourself.
  • ​Use your eBook in a sales funnel, so you can turn you $10 e-book sale into hundreds of dollars for additional products and services. Which means you have the potential to increase your income by THOUSANDS of dollars every month.
  • ​Write your eBook in less than 72 hours using an outline, word, and an app that's less than $5! This is little known strategy will save you time and fast track you to making passive income. Which means you will finally be able to enjoy the dream perk of entrepreneur’s free time.
  • ​And more!​​
Hurry, this OFFER won't last long!
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Establish Yourself as an Expert
This isn't as hard as you think... especially if you know your craft. Most people are more about themselves than they are the customers. With an Ebook you can share the little details that are important to your current & potential clients that your competitors, who are dropping the ball when it comes to informing customers about the level of service they should expect from people in your profession. By setting a higher standard for people interested in your products and services, you create excitement in your customers and anxiety in your competition.
Create Passive Income
In this E-Book you will learn how to create digital assets (E-Books), that you can sell from your own website 24/7 and keep all the profits (minus taxes of course). Not only do you not have to share your profits or waste money  to format your e-book for kindle. You can give your e-book away for free as a lead magnet. A lead magnet (something for free you trade for their information) is used to get a potential customer's information. Which you will learn in the e-book is worth more than gold. This is why websites always ask for your email and phone number, so they can market to you for life. The marketing rule of seven is "The prospect must see your ad at least 7 times before they become interested in buying it." The more you can connect with them, the more you are nurturing the seed of how you can help them that you planted with your e-book.
Leverage your Ebook as a Marketing Tool
E-Books can easily be leveraged as a marketing tool. While educating the reader, you can weave a technique called comparison marketing into your e-book content by just comparing your level of service to what they can expect acceptable work by your peers and point out why standard is unfair to the customer. Let's say you're a general contractor; a perfect e-book title for you could be,'7 Things every homeowner needs to know before hiring a contractor." This is what you want, but this is what most feel they can give you. When your customer sees you are aware of the problems they are more likely to look to you as their solution. This is an easy way to get new customers and get past customers to buy again.
Free Bonuses and Upsells
Let's face it our customers love to get a little something extra. You can use your e-book as a free bonus to sweeten up the deal. Let them see the instant  benefits of doing business with you. Your e-book can also be used as an upsell or an add-on item at 50% off. This increases your over all order value. Adding $10 to 100 orders a month. What would you do with $1000 extra or more a month?
Write Your E-Book in Less Than 72 hours
You will not only get this little know method to work smart and not hard. You also get all the information you need to point you to the resources you need to execute immediately for almost free. 
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